
We want you to find us! If you have any difficulty finding a person or information you are seeking, you can always call our main administration number, 352-294-4201, and we will do our best to help you. We do offer 24-7 emergency care for small and large animals. After-hours numbers are the same as listed below for the UF Veterinary Hospitals (Small Animal Hospital, 352-392-2235; Large Animal Hospital, 352-392-2229; UF Pet Emergency Treatment Services in Ocala, 352-512-0886).

Maps and Directions


Admissions: (DVM Program): 352-294-8804

Office of Advancement (Development and Alumni Affairs): 352-294-4256

Dean’s Office: 352-294-4201

Director’s Office: 352-294-4210

Disaster Response: 352-294-4499

Human Resources/Personnel: (Jobs, UF Benefits and other Employment Issues): 352-294-4250

Office for Academic and Student Affairs: 352-294-4244

News and Public Relations: 352-294-4242

Research and Graduate Studies: (MS & PhD Program, Grants): 352-294-4241

UF Veterinary Hospitals

UF Small Animal Hospital (Appointments, Emergencies, Information): 352-392-2235

UF Large Animal Hospital (Appointments, Emergencies, Information): 352-392-2229

UF Pet Emergency Treatment Services in Ocala (After-hours Emergencies in Ocala): 352-512-0886

UF Veterinary Hospital at WEC in Ocala (Equine and Small Animal Care in Ocala): 352-414-3858

Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories (Available Tests, How to Submit Samples, Fees): 352-294-4726

Veterinary Pharmacy (Inquire about a Pet’s Prescription): 352-294-4614

Extension Services

Equine, Aquatic, Beef, Dairy, Poultry: 352-294-4300

Academic Departments

Small Animal Clinical Sciences: 352-294-4401

Large Animal Clinical Sciences: 352-294-4300

Infectious Diseases and Immunology: 352-294-4101

Physiological Sciences: 352-392-2246

Comparative Diagnostic and Population Medicine: 352-294-8795


Center for Environmental and Human Toxicology: 352-392-2243

Security Office: 352-294-4444